Some Amazing Fact that may make you Genius.
- Why do they call Earth as a Blue Planet? Do you Know Why ? Well oceans combine with our atmosphere and make our planet look blue and it seems blue from observing from the outer atmosphere.
- Earth is only the name of the planet that have not been derived from any Greek or Roman Mythology .
- More than 80% of the Earth's surface is Volcanic.
- Among the cent percent only 11% is used to cultivate the foods in Earth.
- 1000 miles per hour- that is the Speed of the Earth where it rotates around the sun.
- Almost 70% of the Earth mass is covered with Water.
- One Year doesnot consist 365 days. It is actually 365.2564 . The remaining extra makes a day in four year which we call leap year.
- Earth has only one natural satellite that is Moon .
- 71% of Earth surface is covered with oceans.
- Among 100% of Earth 10% is covered with Ice. - Source-Unidentical Website
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