The next Generation Smartphones owner Samsung has unveiled their Galaxy Note 3. It has soft leather like back which lets the user to feel comfortably while using it. When you carry it you feel the sensation of carrying soft leather bag. Well it takes hours to figure out those notes because of its most features like Scrapbook, My Magazine, Air Command and dozens of other functions as well. People feel expensive to buy such phones but to get touch with technology you have to invest your money. The Note 3 has a bigger screen than its predecessor, measuring 5.7 inches diagonally compared with the Note 2's 5.5 inches. But it still weighs less (5.9 ounces, compared with 6.4 ounces) and is slightly thinner (at 0.33 inch rather than 0.37 inch). The change we may have noticed is the S pen. It unveils new features like air command . Scrapbook lets you circle content you like, such as a YouTube video or a news article. It automatically saves and organizes the content into a format that's easy to scroll through. Scrapbook, looks a lot like social media site Pinterest.
Screen Write captures a screen and allows you to write comments on image that you captured .
S Finder is the phone's search engine, to find chat messages, documents or other content on the phone.
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